
My Poem in Pictures!

These Pictures Symbolizes The Different Parts Of My Poem (which by the way is in the previous post)

I Actually Wrote A Poem!

This Poem was originally for my Spanish class, however I wanted to share it because there are experiences from not only my Spanish class but my life in general. AUTORRETRATO Este mundo está compuesto de muchas cosas Y todas las cosas tienen un reflejo Te lo digo a ti que paciencia la mía Ya que cada día Te la pasas analizando en lo que harías Muchas personas me dicen que soy muy callado La verdad es que prefiero no estar involucrado Hay mucho drama en este mundo Y lo menos que quiero es estar irritado Trato de estar siempre calmado A veces pienso y creo que mi vida a sido una montaña rusa A pesar de todos los problemas nunca me e dado por vencido Siempre subes y bajas pero igual nunca hay excusa Aunque en ocasiones sienta que está todo perdido La esperanza es lo último que muere dice el gran dicho A mi familia no la cambiaría Y mi  madre de nombre lleva Maria Tengo dos hermanos y dos hermanas Que sin ellos no se lo que haría No somos pe

My Learning Was LIT!

This year I learned the following terms and I applied them as I read some pretty great stuff: -Allusion for example is when the author gives a the reader a reference to something. -Plot, is the main event of a story for example, for example on the poem Richard Cory the main event is the ending when Richard Cory kills him self. -theme is the central or main idea of a story. -diction is the words that an author chooses to describe the story. -syntax is the way the words are arrange in a story. -in/direct characterization is the way how the author introduces the characters to the readers by giving all the information at once or by giving explanations throughout the story -static/dynamic characters  is when a character either change or does not change throughout a story. Montag from Fahrenheit 451 is an example of dynamic character since he change as the story goes, this is different from static character because this character usually don't change but stays the same the whole tim

Masterpiece Academy Notes #1

Adriana and Kassandra: Bullying bullying is not only physical but also mentally Adriana and Kassandra had experience bullying themselves They believe bullying should talk more through out the school year and just once a year did a dynamic where I was able to see how we're not alone, there is people around us and probably in the same or worse situation than us. Juan and Antonio: History of hip-hop before stating the presentation they told us how they were not experts on the topic but they wanted to do something different  hip-hop is not only a genre is a also a complex culture we don't see the culture now days instead we can see it as a genre Hip-hop spread to the west coast in 1981 became more popular in 1980's  Rafael: Christian: what does it take to be a Navy Seals explained the different sessions to become a navy seal one of the sessions is pool camp camps last around 8 weeks Pluton group is a group of guys you'll work with (3 to 4 years)

Fahrenheit 451 Essay

        Fahrenheit 451 was published in the year of 1953 and it contains facts that can be useful now days (2018). While the story unfolds we can notice serval things. For intance the authorities trying to have control over people, technology in society and contributing to the change from the main character (Montag). All of this takes part from Bradbury's technological predictions.  We can connect all this facts into today's society and we can see similar things and this book should make us reflect about what we doing wrong in 2018.             While reading the book, the theme can be seen as how the authorities attempt to control people. This is really important because in the book everyone in the community was always in their Tv's, however now days we can see almost the same but instead of Tv's is the cellphones. For this reason we can see how technology was part of the community but really this can be seen as an strategy from the people in power since having all p

Keep on with the reading Fahrenheit 451

The point where I’m at for the book Fahrenheit 451 is the part where Montag is running away but he first goes to Faber to asked him for advice/help. Also what I remember is that Faber tells Montag that he should better run to a river .