Prompt 4: Is Young Goodman Brown a static character or a dynamic character? What is he like at the end of the story? Did he experience something real in the woods or was it a dream? Please use at least two elements or quotes from the story to support your points. Young Goodman Brown is a dynamic character. At the beginning of the story Young Goodman Brown believes in the goodness of his father family, until the old man, likely the devil, tell him that he knew them. Goodman Brown believes in the Christian nature of Goody Closey, the minister, and Deacon Gooking, until the devil shows him that Goody Cloyse is a witch and other two are his followers. Also he believes that Faith is pure and good, until the devil reveals at the ceremony that Faith, too, is corruptible. Young Goodman Brown only experience a dream in the woods. The author said "A stern, sad, a darkly, mediative, a distrustful, if not a desperate man, did he became, from the night of that fearf...