In Emerson's essay "On Self-reliance," he describes and talks about how a person can be successful if they can depend on themselves. The tittle and his thesis are connected. Every statement he makes goes back to his thesis, which is that the best you, requires discipline which in other words is self-reliance. Emerson supported his main idea with his tone, diction, and syntax. To begin with, Emerson's tone was powerful. The feeling he gave to the essay was very confident, and that shows how he was ready to write this essay. For Emerson to write this essay, he had to be self-reliant himself. This doesn't only benefit the reader but Emerson himself. The essay was motivational on finding our won personal identity. For example Emerson wrote "To believe your own thought, to believe that what is true for you in your private heart is true for all men" What he saying is that you must give value to your own ideas and ways of thinking, and not e...