Fahrenheit 451 Essay

        Fahrenheit 451 was published in the year of 1953 and it contains facts that can be useful now days (2018). While the story unfolds we can notice serval things. For intance the authorities trying to have control over people, technology in society and contributing to the change from the main character (Montag). All of this takes part from Bradbury's technological predictions.  We can connect all this facts into today's society and we can see similar things and this book should make us reflect about what we doing wrong in 2018.
      While reading the book, the theme can be seen as how the authorities attempt to control people. This is really important because in the book everyone in the community was always in their Tv's, however now days we can see almost the same but instead of Tv's is the cellphones. For this reason we can see how technology was part of the community but really this can be seen as an strategy from the people in power since having all people just focusing on a screen is much easier to control. The actual role of technology in book it's more a distraction than an actual resource for obtaining knowledge or learning. I consider this important in 2018 because while we focus more in social media people in power are making decisions for us and will affect all of us. 

     Montag (the main character) is introduced to us as a regular men whose job was  a being firemen. However he changed overtime because he read books and was gaining more knowledge than every other person in the city.  Despite he reading books, he kept this a secret since books were illegal. While he continued to gained more knowledge he noticed people were so distracted by all the technology and although he was not really sure were he was heading to with all his knowledge he knew the community was making people dumb in some way. We the people in 2018 must reflect into this because most of us are always in our phones and we forget about our responsibilities. In addition we're using the internet in the wrong way since we use it to get distracted trying not get be bored, this same things is explained in the book. Despite books not being illegal now days, we don't really appreciate them much. In other words we should obtain information from the internet and books but not depend on them because one day they might be gone as well as all the information if we don't take advantage now that we can, we're going to be just like the society in the book meaning LOST. Unless we actually use all resources to obtain information now, if one day everything is gone we're going to be like Montag and if the majority of people have the necessary knowledge we can prevent people from controlling us. 
  Bradbury's prediction about technology in this particular book is really important because many of the things are now part of us. For example ear buds which are a representation of seashells in the book. But what shock me the most is that he describes a city where people are always connect it to technology and they don't interact with many people and doing something different can even lead to death (like reading books). And that is so similar to now day's society because having a piece of technology that can fit in our pockets makes us connect it to technology even more. Society expects us to be just like the rest of the people but when you try to be different or just trying to be yourself can cause discrimination and that's why must people don't want to express their selves and I consider this dying because you're not living like you wish.
   In conclusion, I consider Bradbury interpretation of technology in way where he thinks society is using it in the wrong way because instead of making people intelligent is making people to lose knowledge. He describes many problems in the books not only by the technology but also in the people  which I consider this books can offer us a clear demonstration of our society and what can happened if we continue doing the same things.


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