Fahrenheit 451 Questions

1. In the scene where Mildred and Montag read books together, what are their separate reactions?

  • She thinks that books are not important and they're just a waste of time, however Montag feels books can improve people's lives
2. What is the effect throughout sections I and II, of the bombers flying over?

  • it shows how government can watch what the people do
3. Who is Professor Faber?

  • he became friend with Montag and he maintain literature in his life
4. Montag’s reaction to the commercial on the subway is a turning point in his life. How does he react and why?

  • he can't concentrate in his reading and begins to complain about the commercial 
5. What argument does Faber make for books?

  • his argument is that books have value and people should be allow to read
6. What is the “small green metal object”?

  • it's a radio
7. What does the White Clown show lead you to believe about television programming in this society?

  • people give their attention to television and not in reality
8. Why does Mrs. Phelps cry when Montag reads “Dover Beach”?

  • because he got emotional about what Montag was saying but he did not understood why he was crying
9. What is Montag’s destination at the end of section II? Why?

  • he goes to a camp were more people find value on books and had memorize entire books to later rewrite then after  bombs destroyed the city and their plan is to  foster a society where books and free thought can be allowed.


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